The best gastroenterologists in Delhi define gallbladder stone disease as the accumulation of solid particles in the gallbladder, and this condition becomes serious when these particles block the flow of bile. It is here that the symptoms of gallbladder stone disease become more apparent.
A major population in India suffer with gallstone disease as it has become a common health issue, but if left untreated, can lead to serious complications.
Gallbladder Stone Complications
Severe Abdominal Pain (Biliary Colic)
One of the most common symptoms of gallbladder stone disease is that a person experiences severe pain in the upper right or center of the abdomen. This usually happens after consuming a high-fat meal. One may have severe cramp-like pain in the back or shoulder region. If this symptom is persistent, it may be a biliary colic condition – a condition caused by a gallstone blocking the bile ducts.
What to do: Immediately consult the best gastroenterologist in Delhi if the complication is frequent and doesn’t subside after medication. These may be signs of gallbladder inflammation or an obstructed bile duct.
Jaundice is listed as one of the gallbladder stone complications when the skin and eyes appear yellowish. Gallbladder stones cause obstruction in the bile duct, which prevents bile from flowing into the intestine and leads to bilirubin accumulation. Bilirubin is produced when red blood cells are broken down.
What to do: If you notice yellowing of your skin or eyes, immediately consult the best gastroenterologist in Delhi for effective treatment of gallbladder stones. Jaundice may signal a bile duct obstruction or cholangitis (a bile duct infection), which requires prompt treatment.
Fever and Chills
A person with gall bladder stone disease may have fever with chills which indicate presence of infection and this a serious sign.
The condition when the bile duct is infected is known as Cholangitis, caused due to blockage, leading to fever and chills. One may also experience nausea and abdominal tenderness. This condition can become life-threatening without timely treatment.
What to do: If you have a fever along with other symptoms like pain or jaundice, consult the best gastroenterologist in Delhi as it could indicate a bile duct infection or gallbladder inflammation (cholecystitis).
Nausea and Vomiting
Nausea and vomiting are common symptoms associated with several illnesses, but when combined with gallbladder pain, they can be strong indicators of symptoms of gallbladder stone disease, which may cause obstruction or inflammation of the gallbladder. The discomfort caused by gallstones can disrupt digestion, leading to nausea, vomiting, and even bloating.
What to do: If nausea and vomiting persist and are accompanied by other warning signs like pain or fever, it’s crucial to consult the best gastroenterologist in Delhi.
Changes in Stool and Urine Color
When gallstones block the bile ducts, bile does not reach the intestines, which changes the color of stool and urine. The stool appears pale (steatorrhea), and the urine appears dark amber-colored. These changes are often the result of bilirubin buildup in the body.
What to do: Consult the best gastroenterologist in Delhi if you notice dark urine or pale, clay-colored stools along with pain or jaundice, as it could signal the presence of a gallstone-related obstruction.
Gallbladder stone complications can lead to serious health issues if not treated in time. Once you recognize symptoms of gallbladder stone like persistent pain, jaundice, fever, nausea, and changes in stool or urine color, consult the best gastroenterologist in Delhi, Dr Vikas Singla for effective treatment of gallbladder stone disease.